18 步:我们现在将 newrise 添加到 bally 以获得足球的新 y 坐标。

  • 在图形中,单击并拖出Glide To
  • .glide_to()命令之前的名称从sprite更改为ball
  • -100 , 50替换为netx , end_y
  • 点击运行并猜测斜率。你进网了吗?

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stage.set_axis(100) stage.create_grid_overlay(10, "grey") stage.set_background("soccerfield") ballx = -90 bally = random.randint(-100,100) # sprite = codesters.Sprite("image", x, y) ball = codesters.Sprite("soccerball", ballx, bally) netx = 80 nety = random.randint(-100,100) # sprite = codesters.Sprite("image", x, y) net = codesters.Sprite("soccernet", netx, nety) net.flip_right_left() #sprite = codesters.Line(x-start, y-start, x-end, y-end, "color") line = codesters.Line(ballx, bally, netx, nety, "blue") slopeguess = float(line.ask("What is the slope of this line?")) rise = nety - bally run = netx - ballx slope = rise / run # sprite = codesters.Text("text", x, y) sprite = codesters.Text(slope, 0, 30) newrise = slopeguess*run end_y = newrise + bally
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